
About The Department

The Department of Mathematics was established in the academic year 2010. At present, this Department offering B.Sc (mathematics) degree course under UG program affiliated to University of Madras. Now the department has 8 teaching faculties. We are one of the organ to all other neighboring departments like Commerce, Computer science, corporate secretary ship, Commerce with computer application and Physics. We offering both Mathematics and Statistics as a allied papers for all above disciplines.
The Department of Mathematics is one of the important departments of our college. It is a fully equipped Department. In addition to a rigorous curriculum, the department offers a vibrant environment for students. Regular visitors to the department present on the latest research findings in mathematics and introduce students to careers that build upon the knowledge base and skill sets developed in our degree programs.
Our faculty members also conduct ongoing research on the best mathematical and statistical approaches to problems in a variety of areas.
Department has striven to set high standards of teaching. The Department has succeeded in this Endeavour and over the years, it has produced highly qualified and motivated Mathematicians and Statistician to provide leadership in Educational Institutions, R&D organizations and Software Industry. Graduates of this Department are distinctively placed in reputed institutions and organizations. It has been the cherished goal of the Department to inculcate in the students a desire to excel, to demonstrate originality and to develop a sense of responsibility towards the society. Accordingly, the Department continuously reviews and monitors the curriculum of its academic programs.


The Department of mathematics will offer course will ensure that the student learner develop the skills will able to contributes to today’s society. The student will obtain abilities to critically assess the mathematical and statistical information. The faculty members in this department motivate and simulate our young mathematician to develop their knowledge and discipline. Students formulate strategies for solving problems and acknowledge the importance of being intellectually curious throughout their adult lives. In the coming decade, apart from strengthening the existing areas, the Department intends to develop areas related to mathematical aspects of scientific computing in all its manifestations.


The mathematics develops calculating, computing, critical thinking, reasoning, problem solving and formulating the skills for the upcoming mathematicians. The discipline theory and techniques taught in mathematics courses are especially important in today’s society. The faculty of the department recognizes this and strives to ensure that the student learner obtain this knowledge. Develop the student’s ability to intelligently communicate mathematical results in both written and oral because the mathematical background to succeed discipline both academically and professionally. We are the only department to ensure the mathematical background to all other disciplines. We have a duty and respect to encourage the students mathematically for the students.

Papers offered in Mathematics:

I Tamil, English,
Core paper: algebra and trigonometry,
Allied paper: numerical analysis,
Soft skill, HTML.
II Tamil, English.
Core paper: Laplace and differential equations, coordinate geometry, vector calculus, and statics.
Allied paper: mathematical statistics with practical.
Environmental studies, computing skill.
III paper: Algebra, Real analysis, Dynamics, Complex analysis.
Elective paper: operations research, programming in C, graph theory.
Computer scienceMathematics, statistical methods and their applications.
Computer applicationsMathematics, Numerical and Statistical methods, Resource management techniques.
CommerceStatistics, Business statistics and OR.
Business administrationBusiness statistics, operations research.
MCAMathematics for computer science, Statistical methods.
M.ComQuantitative techniques in a business decisions.