The Sriram College of Arts and Science Library is the soul of the institution and it acquires, processes, preserves and disseminates information to the user community with the motto of empowering knowledge. It has an extensive collection of books, reference materials for satisfying the academic and research needs of the students and faculty. The Library and Information Centre consists a Reference Section, Circulation Section, Periodical Section. The library has automated all its library activities to provide effective and wide range of academic resources such as books, journals, online databases.
New Suggestions: The library always encourages all students and faculty to recommend new books in order to strengthen their collection. The students and faculty members can also suggest new titles by completing necessary formalities.
![]() | Name | S.Thirumal |
Designation | Librarian | |
Qualification | M.A., M.LIS., M.phil | |
The library shall function during the following except holidays:
Monday to Friday: 08.45 to 16.00 hrs.
All the library members have partial open access to library documents. This facility is granted to library members to encourage their reading habits and promote maximum use of library documents.
The library having 4752 titles and 10152 volumes including reference and text books. Books are being arranged on open access shelves for easy search and retrieval purposes.
Reference Collection: While most of the books that are available in the library can be issued by the students or faculty, some of the books are kept exclusively for reference purposes. The reference books can be photocopied.
Textbooks Collection: Textbooks for undergraduate courses are arranged in a separate area. Since only a limited number of copies are available for each individual title, students are encouraged to buy their own textbooks.
Light Reading Collection: The Library also having an impressive number of light reading collections that include literature, self-development books and Competitive Examinations Books for improving the reading habits, especially, among the students.
News Paper Collection: Library has subscribed newspapers both in English and Tamil and Telugu languages, so that the students can read as per their comfort.
Periodicals: Library has been subscribing a good number of periodicals to satisfy the academic and reference needs of both students and faculty. At present, library is subscribing to 60 periodicals.
Library provides photocopying services to the faculty and students.
Faculty and students can retrieve online information relating to all academic activities from the dedicated terminals situated in the library under digital library programme.
Online database is arranged through Local Area Network (LAN) for students and faculty members.
Network resource sharing facilities are provided through DELNET and inter library loan services from the libraries of neighboring institutes.
Library documents can be borrowed for home use normally during the lending hours as specified by the librarian. Library will issue books for a whole day an hour before the closing time and the book must be returned from the first hour of the opening of the library on the next day. The students can borrow three books from library.
Loaning period for various library documents for different categories is as follows:
Faculty and Staff: 8 weeks
Students and Other Readers:15 days
Reserved Books:
Faculty and Students:1 book for overnight
Faculty and Students:2 for overnight
Theses, dissertations, books of plates, rare books, books out of print, reference books of general nature such as encyclopedia, directories, hand books, pamphlets, shall not be issued for home reading and can only be consulted in the library.
The following charges shall be recovered for each library document after the decided period of loan from the borrower.
i. Text Books: Rs. 1/- per day during overdue.
ii. Library documents issued for overnight: Rs. 1/- per day during overdue.
Books lost: The member shall report immediately to the Librarian for loss of any library document(s) borrowed from the library. The following charges shall be recovered for the loss of library document(s).
i. General book: Replacement or the current price to be paid
ii. Text book and reference book: Replacement or current price to be paid.
Unauthorized removal of the library documents: Removing library documents without getting them properly issued is a serious misdemeanor.
Photocopy service is offered for library books and journal articles for Rs. 1/- per copy to all the students and faculty.